Hunting Packages

Hunting season: from February to November, but the cooler months (April to October) are recommended.

Hunting methods: Getaway Kalahari Safari is geared to provide choice and variety of hunting methods: rifle hunting, bow hunting and wing shooting.

Rifle Hunting

Animals are located by using 4x4 vehicles. Thereafter the hunt is conducted on foot. This provides the hunter with the challenge of experiencing different species in their environment. After the hunt, a team of skilled skinners will ensure that your trophies are well prepared and taken care of.

Bow Hunting

Bow hunters and their requirements are met by providing maximum hunting opportunities at waterholes, other watering points or on foot. We guarantee satisfaction to all our hunters, whether you are a first timer or an experienced hunter.

Wing Shooting

Bird life is varied and provides the hunter with exciting finds. Several species of typically African game birds are to be found.

Trophy Fees as of 2025 :

* Subject to availability and quotas in specific areas; Game & Fees ( in US$)

Please Note
Other species and extra days may be added at the regular US Dollar daily rate and trophy fees. Deposit payable to confirm hunt is non refundable and non transferable.

Baboon US$ 200 Kalahari Springbuck US$ 550
Black Wildebeest US$ 1 450 Klipspringer *o.a
Blesbuck US$ 650 Kudu US$ 1 700
Blue Wildebeest US$ 1 200 Leopard *o.a.
Caracal US$ 350 Oryx US$ 1 100
Cheetah US$ 5 000 Ostrich US$ 350
Dik-Dik (Damara) *o.a Roan Antelope - *o.a
Duiker US$ 350 Sable Antelope - *o.a
Eland US$ 2 450 Steenbuck US$ 350
Giraffe US$ 3 000 Tsessebe - *o.a
Hartebeest US$ 750 Warthog US$ 600
Impala (Black Face) *o.a Waterbuck - *o.a
Impala (Common)US$ 600 Zebra (Burchell) US$ 1 300
Jackal US$ 200 Zebra (Mountain) US$ 1 300


Bow Hunting

Bow hunters and their requirements are met by providing maximum hunting opportunities at waterholes, other watering points or on foot. We guarantee satisfaction to all our hunters, whether you are a first timer or an experienced hunter.

Wing Shooting

Bird life is varied and provides the hunter with exciting finds. Several species of typically African game birds are to be found.

Hunting Packages

Kalahari Hunting Experience

Duration: 7 days for one hunter - Price: US$ 6500
All Inclusive
Luxury Accommodation tick All Meals tick Soft Drinks tick
1 Greater Kudu tick 1 Kalahari Oryx tick 1 Kalahari Springbuck tick
1 Blesbuck tick

The Ultimate Kalahari Safari

Duration: 10 days for one hunter - Price: US$ 9300
All Inclusive
Luxury Accommodation tick All Meals tick Soft Drinks tick
1 Greater Kudu tick 1 Kalahari Oryx tick 1 Burchell Zebra tick
1 Kalahari Springbuck tick 1 Steenbuck tick 1 Warthog tick

Big Daddy Safari (Father & Son hunt)

Duration: 10 days for 2 hunters - Price: US$ 14500
All Inclusive
Luxury Accommodation tick All Meals tick Soft Drinks tick
2 Greater Kudu tick 2 Kalahari Oryx tick 2 Kalahari Springbuck tick
2 Blesbuck tick

Please Note

Other species and extra days may be added at the regular US Dollar daily rate and trophy fees.

See Daily Rates for further information